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baxaq, əminəm əladır*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Çox saqolunƏlinə Sağlıq!
Eyv*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Qardaşim dayanmir e)*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
əla*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Əlinə sağlıq*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
cavanlıq yada düşdü)))*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
coxsagol*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Eline sağlık*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
..*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
sağol*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Nece vaxdi istifade qaydasini axdarirdim,sagol*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Əla*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Salam qardaş uğurlar olsun*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***