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Tool Tool kolleksiyasi stealer/malware/cracking/phishing



Nov 20, 2023
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Cracking Tool Linkleri

💥 ZIP/RAR/PDF pass cracker
Link : GitHub - R3LI4NT/File-Cracker: Crack password ZIP, RAR and PDF with dictionary.
🔸 OpenBullet2
Link : GitHub - openbullet/OpenBullet2: OpenBullet reinvented
💡 JohnTheReaper
Link : John the Ripper password cracker
🩸 HashCat
Link : GitHub - hashcat/hashcat: World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility
❄️ Facebook info gathering
Link : https://github.com/xHak9x/fbi
✨ Facebook info gathering
Link : GitHub - CiKu370/OSIF: Open Source Information Facebook
📍 Facebook Toolkit + bots | dump private data
Link : GitHub - warifp/FacebookToolkit: a tool to get Facebook data, and some Facebook bots, and extra tools found on Facebook Toolkit ++.
🧿 Facebook cracking tool
Link : GitHub - INDOnimous/FB-Crack-: Development INDOnimous yang berkolaborasi dengan master pirmansx sebagai pendukung RESMI INDOnimous team
🪠 Facebook cloner
Link : WinzoN / FYC · GitLab
🌡 Facebook report tool
Link : GitHub - IlayTamvan/Report: Code : Secret
⚒ Facebook BruteForce Tool
Link : GitHub - IAmBlackHacker/Facebook-BruteForce: Bruteforce attack on Facebook account using python script
💷 Facebook hacking
Link : GitHub - LOoLzeC/ASU: facebook hacking toolkit
🕯 Facebook Repot3
Link : GitHub - PangeranAlvins/Repot3
💸 Instagram Bruteforcer
Link : GitHub - Bitwise-01/Instagram-: Bruteforce attack for Instagram
💸 Instagram Info gathering
Link : https://github.com/sc1341/InstagramOSINT
⏰ Twitter Bruteforcer
Link : https://github.com/Matrix07ksa/Brute_Force
💈 Twitter info gathering
Link : https://github.com/jipegit/Twintelligence